Weatherproof Enclosure (SMALL)
Size L150mm W 210mm H 70mm
Motherboard PCB and Antenna Mounting arrangement
IP65 rating
Material :- UVS Polycarbonate OR UVS ABS
This kit contains :
SS Fastner For enclosure , PCB and Antenna Mounting
Four M4 Brass Insurt for Enclosure Closing and M6 brass insert for mounting
EP gasket for wether proofing
One Cabale Gland PG-13.5 For cable
Weatherproof Enclosure
Size L300 mm W 300 mm H 70mm
Motherboard PCB and Antenna Mounting arrangement
IP65 rating
Material :- UVS Polycarbonate OR UVS ABS
This kit contains:
SS Fastner For enclosure , PCB and Antenna Mounting
Four M4 Brass Insurt for Enclosure Closing and M6 brass insert for mounting
EP gasket for wether proofing
Two Cabale Gland PG-13.5 For cable and N-Canectro Slot with Plug
Weatherproof enclosure (Panel Antenna Only)
Size L285 mm W 285 mm H 35 mm
IP65 rating ( you need to Glue for Closing )
Material :- UVS ABS
Four M6 brass insert for mounting
Weatherproof Enclosure For Indoor/Out Door
Size L100 mm W 100 mm H 30mm
PCB and Antenna Mounting anrengment
IP65 rating
Material :- UVS Polycarbonate OR UVS ABS
This kit contains :
SS Fastner For enclosure , PCB and Antenna Mounting
Four M3 Brass Insurt for Enclosure Closing and M4 brass insert for mounting
Sector antenna Enclosure
Size L( As Requred) mm W 160 mm D 70 mm
With End Cap on Both End
IP65 rating
Material :- UVS ABS / FRP
This kit contains:
Cable Glands
Sizes, PG-11, PG-13.5 and PG-16.
Cable glands are perfect for use with enclosures where liquids , moisture
are present and out door instolation at the cable egress point.
Nylon construction with PU seal and lock nut
Flame retardant, self extinguishing
Oil, grease and salt water resistant
Aluminum Reflactor Dish
Size 0.3 Mt(12") ,0.4 Mt(18") ,0.6 Mt(24") , 1Mt(36") , 1.2 Mt(48") , 1.8 Mt(72")
Material :- Aluminum / FRP
Finsh :- Powder Coted / PU Painted
Stainless Steel M6 x 25 mm Hex bolt with Nut and washer
This kit contains :
We have Mounting Kit for all Dish Antenna dis , see mounting kit page